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Showing 1 results for Akhtar

Faroze Ahmad Khan, Sadaf Ali, Mohammad Younis, Khurshied Ahmad Bhat, Mehmooda Akhtar,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (9-2014)


Cystic lesions of spleen are rare. Most of these cysts are parasitic and are caused by Echinococcal infection. Various treatment options for splenic hydatid cyst have evolved over the years.

Case Presentation

We report a case of splenic hydatid cyst in a 55-year-old male, managed laproscopically with enucleation and omentopexy.


In conclusion, we recommend that laparoscopic spleen preserving procedures should be preferred for hydatid spleen when conditions are favorable and enough precautions are taken to prevent spillage. We suggest the use of aspirator for giving the scolicidal agent and favor the albendazole as an adjuvant therapy to prevent its recurrence.

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