Authors instruction

 | Post date: 2020/10/29 | 



Annals of Bariatric Surgery is published by Center of Excellence for MIS Education of Iran University of Medical Sciences and it is the official journal of Iranian Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (IRSMBS).
This is an international journal aimed to publish high-quality peer-reviewed manuscripts about the effects of bariatric and metabolic procedures on weight loss, obesity-related comorbidities, nutritional and psychosocial outcomes. The Editorial Board includes internationally prominent individuals who are an expert member of multidisciplinary team for treatment of morbid obese patients.
All manuscripts submitted to ABS are blind-reviewed. Articles accepted for publication are done so with the understanding that they or their substantive contents have not been and will not be submitted to any other publication.

 Reviews/Systematic Reviews
 Original Contributions
 Multimedia articles/Video reports
 Brief Communications
 New Concepts
 How I Do It, Letters to the Editor
All items below are required before submission:
    • Full Title and Short Title,
    • All Contributing Authors, Full Names/Degrees, and Email Addresses/Affiliations )
    • "Corresponding Author" Information (Address, Tel/Mobile, E-mail)
    • Detailed Acknowledgments, Funding Information, and non-blinded COI Statement

1.Full File of the Manuscript: 

- Abstract (N/A for Letters to the Editor; optional for Brief Communications) 
- Original text of the article.
- References in Vancouver/Vancouver modified style
- Video less than three (3) minutes, in MOV or mp4 format (blinded)

2. Blinded Manuscript:

Original text of the article without any name and affiliation of the authors for review purposes.
Note that COI Statement also should be blinded
  • Cover Letter
For more information please download and see the PDF.
please attach the tables separately, in addition they are exist in the full file and blinded file of the manuscript
    • Video Abstract, required Ethical, COI, and Human/Animal Rights statements, and references.
    • The Video duration must be less than ten (10) minutes and blinded
    • The Narration of the video must be in English language
    • Video in either .MP4 or .MOV file format, not to exceed 25MB.
    • No identifying information about patients
    • Patient and/or publisher permissions, if needed
  • Native English Edit Certification
Please uploaed your language edition certification as an attachment file.
Each author should complete one COI form, it means that if the manuscript has 10 author, 10 COI form should be completed.
You can download the form from and upload it as attachments.
  • Authors’ contributions: The individual contributions of authors to the manuscript should be specified. The authors’ name should be abbreviated in this section (e.g. JMS for John Miller Smith).
    • Revised text, tables and figures - One clean copy and one annotated (track changed) copy
    • A definite Reply to Reviewer Comments (blinded for review purposes) in comment section of article profile or by sending Email to
  4. ABS Article Format 
Article Type Pp*/Words Description Main Text reqiurements Figures/ Tables
Review/Systematic Review 10/ 3000 A scholarly literature review of a current topic. May be solicited or unsolicited.
  • Title only
  • Abtract in 1 paragraph
  • Blinde COI/Ethics/Consent Statements
  • Figures
  • Refrences
Up to 6
Original Contributions 8/ 2400
Paper involves clinical or basic science research
  • Title only
  • Structured abstract (250 word)
  • Key words
  • Introduction / purpose
  • Materials/Methodes/Results/Conclusion
  • Blinde COI/Ethics/Consent Statements
  • Figures
  • Tables
  • Refrences
  • supplementary video
Up to 6
New Concepts All innovative technologies, devices, procedures or treatment protocols; should include a detailed description of the procedure and the results.
Multimedia articles/Video reports 2/ 500 Manuscripts submitted as dedicated Multimedia Articles must be accompanied by a textual Abstract that briefly describes the video
  • Textual abstract includes blinded title, Introduction, Methodes, Materials, Results, Conclusion,blinded statements, Refrences
  • Blinded videos less than 10 minutes in mp4 or mov format with English narration
Brief Communications 5/ 1500  
A short report that can present research, an innovated concept or procedure, or a small case series with important, but very straightforward results
  • Title only
  • Abtract in 1 paragraph/125 words (optional)
  • Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion.
  • Blinde COI/Ethics/Consent Statements
  • Refrences (upto 10)
  • Figures
Up to 2
How I Do It/ Letters to the Editor 4/ 1200 - A brief report, opinion or unstructured comment on a published paper. The editors reserve the right to accept, reject or excerpt letters without changing the views expressed by the author(s).
- Rare cases can be accepted as letter to editor
  • Title page and main text do not need to be blinded
  • No abstract required
  • COI/Ethics/Consent Statements
  • Limited refrences
Up to 3

*Title page, Refrences, Figures and Tables are not considered in the page/word counts.

5. Plagiarism 
    ABS routinely screen article submissions for plagiarism by iThenticate software.
6. Author Fee Policies
  • Article Processing charge(APC):
There is no Article Processing Fee (APC) charged to authors until further notice and articles are immediately available on the journal website once published.
  • Fast track Fee:
For any author that request fast reviewing process and fast track review, ABS will receive 100$.
  • Publication Fee:
ABS will receive 100$ for publishing Letter to Editor and 200$ for Original/Review articles.

Note: There is no charge for publishing an article only for the next two issues of the journal. 

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