Overview of Annals of Bariatric Surgery

Annals of Bariatric Surgery (ABS) is an Open Access clinical journal, officially published by Minimally Invasive Surgery Research Center (MISRC) of Iran University of Medical Sciences, Iranian Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (IRSMBS), and Global Laparoscopic & Robotics (GLR). This is an international journal aimed to publish high-quality peer-reviewed manuscripts about the effects of bariatric and metabolic procedures on weight loss, obesity-related comorbidities, nutritional and psychosocial outcomes.
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Annals of Bariatric Surgery

2021، Volume 10، Number 2

Online ISSN: 2717-3887

Editor-in-Chief: Abdolreza Pazouki

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Journal Information

  • Current Issue: 2021، Volume 10، Number 2
  • Online ISSN: 2717-3887
  • Frequency: Biquarterly 
  • Since: 2012
  • Scope: Bariatric Surgery & its Related Issues
  • Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Abdolreza Pazouki
  • Publisher: Iran University of Medical Sciences


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