Volume 6, Issue 2 (5-2017)                   ABS 2017, 6(2): 100-110 | Back to browse issues page

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Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgical Sciences During 2012 - 2016. ABS 2017; 6 (2) :100-110
URL: http://annbsurg.iums.ac.ir/article-1-209-en.html
Abstract:   (816 Views)

Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgical Sciences has been started in 2012, in this editorial note we aimed to present a brief review of Journal scope, future plans, submitted manuscripts and published articles in the journal in term of acceptance rate, review and publication process, after 5 years of publication of journal.

Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgical Sciences is a basic and clinical journal officially published by the minimally invasive surgery research center (MISRC) of Iran University of Medical Sciences and Mediterranean and Middle Eastern endoscopic surgery Association (MMESA). The journal’s scope covers all the fields of minimally invasive surgical sciences (MIS) including urology, orthopedics, neurosurgery, otolaryngology, gynecology and general surgery. Research about minimally invasive techniques used in diagnosis or treatment of any kind of disease, basic or applied research or innovations in MIS device or instrument development and teaching of MIS are also covered. This is a peer-review journal which publishes the latest and newest research in all fields of MIS.

During these years the total number of manuscripts received was 209, Table 1 demonstrate Total submitted manuscript, accepted and rejected article and acceptance Rate per year.

Total submitted, Accepted, Rejected Article Number and Acceptance Rate Per Year
Year Total Submitted Accepted Rejected Other Decisions Acceptance Rate, %
2012 55 45 8 - 85
2013 37 27 6 3 75
2014 44 27 9 6 63
2015 30 22 3 5 79
2016 43 24 3 10 65

Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgical Sciences has In-house review, after receiving the manuscript, all manuscripts including In-house review, this stage takes 2- 4 days. In this stage some article are rejected (fastly rejected) because of unrelated scope of article to the journal, old data, poor outcome, low clinical importance and etc. Other manuscript including external peer review process, our aim in Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgical Sciences is to decrease the review and publication process, for instance comparing 2016 and 2012 article, publication time from acceptance to publication in 2016 was less than 2012 and decreased from 3 months to 20 days (Table 2).

Submit to Accept Duration (Days) Based on Year
Year Total No. of ACCEPTED ARTICLES Submit to Accept Duration (Days)
2012 18 89
2013 39 80
2014 33 141
2015 21 63
2016 27 97

Regarding journal format and plagiarism in manuscript, some article need revision gain and article will be returned back to authors for further edition also after review, manuscript will be sent to the author for corrections, some authors return the revised article after many days so average submit to accept duration seem long.

We have registered user (as author, reviewer, editorial board) from 48 country during 5 years, also some registered user did not mention the name of country so we have user from more than 48 country, Iran had the highest rate of registered user, followed by India, Egypt, USA and turkey (Table 3).

Overall Registered Users Citizenship (Sorted by Number)
Country Number
Unknown Users 146
Iran 103
India 33
Egypt 27
USA 20
Turkey 18
Italy 11
UK 9
Brazil 7
Saudi Arabia 6
Algeria, Iraq, Pakistan 5
Canada, Japan, Spain, Thailand 3
Australia, Greece, Lebanon, Libya, Mexico 3
Bangladesh, China, France, Germany, MALAYSIA, Nigeria, Philippines, Switzerland, Syria 2
Bahrain, Indonesia, Ireland, Jordan, Morocco, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Georgia, Russia, Sweden, The Netherlands, Tunisia, UAE, Ukraine, Venezuela, Yemen 1

Finally, we invite all clinical practitioners, researchers, and surgeons with the experience in the field of minimal invasive surgery to submit their valuable papers in our online submission system and state the solutions addressing various issues in this area.

The journal welcomes all kinds of manuscripts and other scientific communications including original manuscripts, brief report, letter to editor, editorial, case report, Meta-analysis and reviews, health economic papers, debates and consensus statements of clinical relevance of minimally invasive surgical. Also recently we would consider to publish statistics coroner section (statistical topic in the field of MIS)

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Type of Study: Letter/Editorial | Subject: Basic Science
Received: 2017/03/20 | Accepted: 2017/04/30 | ePublished: 2017/05/15

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