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Tagaya N. Laparoscopic Total Gastric Vertical Plication. ABS 2013; 2 (1) :100-110
URL: http://annbsurg.iums.ac.ir/article-1-105-fa.html
Laparoscopic Total Gastric Vertical Plication. سالنامه جراحی چاقی. 2 (1) :100-110

URL: http://annbsurg.iums.ac.ir/article-1-105-fa.html

چکیده:   (834 مشاهده)
Dear Editor

Golpaie et al. reported changes in lipid profile and insulin resistance in morbid obese patients following the Laparoscopic Total Gastric Vertical Plication (LTGVP), and it revealed a significant weight loss and an improvement of lipid profile and insulin resistance among morbidly obese patients (1). This method was introduced by Talebpour et al. 2007, as a new technique derived from sleeve gastrectomy for the treatment of morbid obesity and produces the restriction by a plication of the great curvature of the stomach using three lines of sutures (2). Menchaca et al. reported the experimental study of vertical gastric plication using hound dogs. It revealed that LTGVP confirmed the short-term durability and development of dense fibrous appositions of the serosal folds (3), although, additional studies are needed to identify clinical applications of this procedure. In fact, LTGVP gives equivalent short-term outcomes as vertical gastrectomy and is a reproducible and reversible technique with indications and outcomes still to be validated (4). However, there is a unique morbidity of intractable vomiting requiring re-operation due to a herniation of the suture line in this procedure. As authors described, this report needs a further evaluation in the number of the patients and long-term outcomes. Furthermore, this technique is not standardized with regards to the size of probe used as a guide for the plication, the starting point of the plication, the number of the suture line and the suture technique itself.

LTGVP provides the preservation of stomach without resection. It is cost effective, and showed the similar outcomes compared with the vertical gastrectomy. This procedure has a possibility of new direction for the restriction of bariatric surgery. However, the evaluation of multi-center clinical trial is mandatory.

نوع مطالعه: Letter/Editorial | موضوع مقاله: Basic Science
دریافت: 1391/2/13 | پذیرش: 1391/3/26 | انتشار الکترونیک: 1391/11/27

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